Jumat, 20 Juni 2014

Parallel Computation


Parallel computing is a form of computation in which many calculations are carried out simultaneously, operating on the principle that large problems can often be divided into smaller ones, which are then solved concurrently ("in parallel"). There are several different forms of parallel computing: bit-level, instruction level, data, and task parallelism. Parallelism has been employed for many years, mainly in high-performance computing, but interest in it has grown lately due to the physical constraints preventing frequency scaling.As power consumption (and consequently heat generation) by computers has become a concern in recent years, parallel computing has become the dominant paradigm in computer architecture, mainly in the form of multi-core processors. Parallel computers can be roughly classified according to the level at which the hardware supports parallelism, with multi-core and multi-processor computers having multiple processing elements within a single machine, while clusters, MPPs, and grids use multiple computers to work on the same task. Specialized parallel computer architectures are sometimes used alongside traditional processors, for accelerating specific tasks. Parallel computer programs are more difficult to write than sequential ones,because concurrency introduces several new classes of potential software bugs, of which race conditions are the most common.Communication and synchronization between the different subtasks are typically some of the greatest obstacles to getting good parallel program performance. The maximum possible speed-up of a single program as a result of parallelization is known as Amdahl's law.

Distributed processing is a phrase used to refer to a variety of computer systems that use more than one computer (or processor) to run an application. This includes parallel processing in which a single computer uses more than one CPU to execute programs. More often, however, distributed processing refers to local-area networks (LANs) designed so that a single program can run simultaneously at various sites. Most distributed processing systems contain sophisticated software that detects idle CPUs on the network and parcels out programs to utilize them. Another form of distributed processing involves distributed databases. This is databases in which the data is stored across two or more computer systems. The database system keeps track of where the data is so that the distributed nature of the database is not apparent to users.

Architectural Parallel Computer

von Neumann Architecture

  • Named after the Hungarian mathematician John von Neumann who first authored the general requirements for an electronic computer in his 1945 papers.
  • Since then, virtually all computers have followed this basic design, differing from earlier computers which were programmed through "hard wiring".
von Neumann architecture
  • Comprised of four main components:
    • Memory
    • Control Unit
    • Arithmetic Logic Unit
    • Input/Output
  • Read/write, random access memory is used to store both program instructions and data
    • Program instructions are coded data which tell the computer to do something
    • Data is simply information to be used by the program
  • Control unit fetches instructions/data from memory, decodes the instructions and then sequentially coordinates operations to accomplish the programmed task.
  • Aritmetic Unit performs basic arithmetic operations
  • Input/Output is the interface to the human operator

Flynn's Classical Taxonomy

  • There are different ways to classify parallel computers. 
  • One of the more widely used classifications, in use since 1966, is called Flynn's Taxonomy.
  • Flynn's taxonomy distinguishes multi-processor computer architectures according to how they can be classified along the two independent dimensions of Instruction Stream and Data Stream. Each of these dimensions can have only one of two possible states: Single or Multiple.
  • The matrix below defines the 4 possible classifications according to Flynn:

 Single Instruction, Single Data (SISD):
  • A serial (non-parallel) computer
  • Single Instruction: Only one instruction stream is being acted on by the CPU during any one clock cycle
  • Single Data: Only one data stream is being used as input during any one clock cycle
  • Deterministic execution
  • This is the oldest type of computer
  • Examples: older generation mainframes, minicomputers, workstations and single processor/core PCs.
 Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD):
  • A type of parallel computer
  • Single Instruction: All processing units execute the same instruction at any given clock cycle
  • Multiple Data: Each processing unit can operate on a different data element
  • Best suited for specialized problems characterized by a high degree of regularity, such as graphics/image processing.
  • Synchronous (lockstep) and deterministic execution
  • Two varieties: Processor Arrays and Vector Pipelines

 Multiple Instruction, Single Data (MISD):
  • A type of parallel computer
  • Multiple Instruction: Each processing unit operates on the data independently via separate instruction streams.
  • Single Data: A single data stream is fed into multiple processing units.
  • Few (if any) actual examples of this class of parallel computer have ever existed.
  • Some conceivable uses might be:
    • multiple frequency filters operating on a single signal stream
    • multiple cryptography algorithms attempting to crack a single coded message.

 Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data (MIMD):
  • A type of parallel computer
  • Multiple Instruction: Every processor may be executing a different instruction stream
  • Multiple Data: Every processor may be working with a different data stream
  • Execution can be synchronous or asynchronous, deterministic or non-deterministic
  • Currently, the most common type of parallel computer - most modern supercomputers fall into this category.
  • Examples: most current supercomputers, networked parallel computer clusters and "grids", multi-processor SMP computers, multi-core PCs.
  • Note: many MIMD architectures also include SIMD execution sub-components
Threaded Programming

For many years, maximum computer performance was limited largely by the speed of a single microprocessor at the heart of the computer. As the speed of individual processors started reaching their practical limits, however, chip makers switched to multicore designs, giving the computer the opportunity to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. And although OS X takes advantage of these cores whenever it can to perform system-related tasks, your own applications can also take advantage of them through threads.
What Are Threads?
Threads are a relatively lightweight way to implement multiple paths of execution inside of an application. At the system level, programs run side by side, with the system doling out execution time to each program based on its needs and the needs of other programs. Inside each program, however, exists one or more threads of execution, which can be used to perform different tasks simultaneously or in a nearly simultaneous manner. The system itself actually manages these threads of execution, scheduling them to run on the available cores and preemptively interrupting them as needed to allow other threads to run. From a technical standpoint, a thread is a combination of the kernel-level and application-level data structures needed to manage the execution of code. The kernel-level structures coordinate the dispatching of events to the thread and the preemptive scheduling of the thread on one of the available cores. The application-level structures include the call stack for storing function calls and the structures the application needs to manage and manipulate the thread’s attributes and state. 
In a non-concurrent application, there is only one thread of execution. That thread starts and ends with your application’s main routine and branches one-by-one to different methods or functions to implement the application’s overall behavior. By contrast, an application that supports concurrency starts with one thread and adds more as needed to create additional execution paths. Each new path has its own custom start routine that runs independently of the code in the application’s main routine. Having multiple threads in an application provides two very important potential advantages:
  • Multiple threads can improve an application’s perceived responsiveness.
  • Multiple threads can improve an application’s real-time performance on multicore systems.
Threading Terminology
Before getting too far into discussions about threads and their supporting technologies, it is necessary to define some basic terminology.
If you are familiar with UNIX systems, you may find that the term “task” is used differently by this document. On UNIX systems, the term “task” is used at times to refer to a running process.
This document adopts the following terminology:
  • The term thread is used to refer to a separate path of execution for code.
  • The term process is used to refer to a running executable, which can encompass multiple threads.
  • The term task is used to refer to the abstract concept of work that needs to be performed.
In November 2006, NVIDIA introduced CUDA™, a general purpose parallel computing platform and programming model that leverages the parallel compute engine in NVIDIA GPUs to solve many complex computational problems in a more efficient way than on a CPU.
CUDA comes with a software environment that allows developers to use C as a high-level programming language. GPU Computing Applications. CUDA is designed to support various languages and application programming interfaces.

CUDA Is Designed to Support         Various Languages and Application Programming Interfaces.

1. A Scalable Programming Model

The advent of multicore CPUs and manycore GPUs means that mainstream processor chips are now parallel systems. Furthermore, their parallelism continues to scale with Moore's law. The challenge is to develop application software that transparently scales its parallelism to leverage the increasing number of processor cores, much as 3D graphics applications transparently scale their parallelism to manycore GPUs with widely varying numbers of cores. The CUDA parallel programming model is designed to overcome this challenge while maintaining a low learning curve for programmers familiar with standard programming languages such as C. At its core are three key abstractions - a hierarchy of thread groups, shared memories, and barrier synchronization - that are simply exposed to the programmer as a minimal set of language extensions. These abstractions provide fine-grained data parallelism and thread parallelism, nested within coarse-grained data parallelism and task parallelism. They guide the programmer to partition the problem into coarse sub-problems that can be solved independently in parallel by blocks of threads, and each sub-problem into finer pieces that can be solved cooperatively in parallel by all threads within the block. 

Automatic Scalability.

Note: A GPU is built around an array of Streaming Multiprocessors (SMs)  A multithreaded program is partitioned into blocks of threads that execute independently from each other, so that a GPU with more multiprocessors will automatically execute the program in less time than a GPU with fewer multiprocessors

Senin, 12 Mei 2014

Quantum Computation

Quantum computing is the area of study focused on developing computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory, which explains the nature and behavior of energy and matter on the quantum (atomic and subatomic) level. Development of a quantum computer, if practical, would mark a leap forward in computing capability far greater than that from the abacus to a modern day supercomputer, with performance gains in the billion-fold realm and beyond. The quantum computer, following the laws of quantum physics, would gain enormous processing power through the ability to be in multiple states, and to perform tasks using all possible permutations simultaneously. Current centers of research in quantum computing include MIT, IBM, Oxford University, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Quantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated. This leads to correlations between observable physical properties of the systems. For example, it is possible to prepare two particles in a single quantum state such that when one is observed to be spin-up, the other one will always be observed to be spin-down and vice versa, this despite the fact that it is impossible to predict, according to quantum mechanics, which set of measurements will be observed. As a result, measurements performed on one system seem to be instantaneously influencing other systems entangled with it. But quantum entanglement does not enable the transmission of classical information faster than the speed of light. Quantum entanglement has applications in the emerging technologies of quantum computing and quantum cryptography, and has been used to realize quantum teleportation experimentally.

A qubit is a quantum bit , the counterpart in quantum computing to the binary digit or bit of classical computing. Just as a bit is the basic unit of information in a classical computer, a qubit is the basic unit of information in a quantum computer .In a quantum computer, a number of elemental particles such as electrons or photons can be used (in practice, success has also been achieved with ions), with either their charge or polarization acting as a representation of 0 and/or 1. Each of these particles is known as a qubit; the nature and behavior of these particles (as expressed in quantum theory ) form the basis of quantum computing. The two most relevant aspects of quantum physics are the principles of superposition and entanglement .

A quantum gate or quantum logic gate is a rudimentary quantum circuit operating on a small number of qubits. They are the analogues for quantum computers to classical logic gates for conventional digital computers. Quantum logic gates are reversible, unlike many classical logic gates. Some universal classical logic gates, such as the Toffoli gate, provide reversibility and can be directly mapped onto quantum logic gates. Quantum logic gates are represented by unitary matrices. The most common quantum gates operate on spaces of one or two qubits. This means that as matrices, quantum gates can be described by 2 x 2 or 4 x 4 matrices with orthonormal rows.

Shor's algorithm is a quantum algorithm for factoring a number N in O((log N)3) time and O(log N) space, named after Peter Shor. The algorithm is significant because it implies that RSA, a popular public-key cryptography method, might be easily broken, given a sufficiently large quantum computer. RSA uses a public key N which is the product of two large prime numbers, One way to crack RSA encryption is by factoring N, but with classical algorithms, factoring becomes increasingly time-consuming as N grows large; more specifically. no classical algorithm is known that can factor in polynomial time. But Shor's algorithm can crack RSA in polynomial time.  Like many quantum computer algorithms, Shor's algorithm is probabilistic and It gives the correct answer with high probability, and the probability of failure can be decreased by repeating the algorithm. Shor's algorithm was discovered in 1994 by Peter Shor, but the classical part was known before. it is credited to G. L. Miller. Seven years later, in 2001. it was demonstrated by a group at IBM, which factored 15 into 3 and 5, using a quantum computer with 7 qubits.

Senin, 28 April 2014

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the new definition for grid computing technologies which is used in the mid to late 1990s.  cloud computing began to emerge at the end of 2007, is used to move the services to the daily use of the Internet, not stored on the local computer again. Cloud computing is a new trend in the field of distributed computing in which the various parties can develop applications and services based on SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) on the Internet. With Cloud Computing you'd only have to load one application. That application would allow users to log into a Web-based service which hosts all the programs the user would need for his or her job. Remote machines is owned by another company that would run everything, from e-mail to word processing to complex data analysis programs.

            With Cloud computing you can get some advantage, first you can Reduce spending on technology infrastructure by Maintain easy access to your information with minimal upfront spending. Pay as you go (weekly, quarterly or yearly), based on demand., then the Streamline processes for Get more work done in less time with less people. Then you can Reduce capital costs because There’s no need to spend big money on hardware, software or licensing fee. And the most important thing you can get with cloud computing is You have access anytime, anywhere, that making your life so much easier!

            Cloud Based Services is the general term given to a variety of services that are accessed via the Internet or a proprietary network.   Broadly divided into three categories: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Cloud Based Services allow users to store data, access software and access services and platforms from almost any device that can access the cloud via a broadband connection. The use of cloud services has greatly increased over the past decade.
            The following are the characteristics of cloud computing
  • ‘On-Demand, Self-Service’ implies a customer can order service via the web or some other method at any point in time, 24×7, which becomes immediately available for his or her use.
  • ‘Broad network access’ implies widespread, heterogeneous network accessibility for thin, thick, mobile and other commonly used compute mediums.
  • ‘Shared resource pooling’ connotes the aggregation of physical compute resources into a logical ‘pool’ that is dynamically allocated in a multi-tenancy capacity across broad application service requirements.
  • ‘Rapid, bi-directional elasticity’ simply means additional capacity remains available and accessible on an ‘as needed’ basis, and is recovered back to the pool when no longer needed for alternative allocation.
  • ‘Metered service’ as noted above means that all variables of resource consumption are tracked in capacity that users can be automatically billed for their consumption.
Perhaps the biggest concerns about cloud computing are security and privacy. The idea of handing over important data to another company worries some people. Corporate executives might hesitate to take advantage of a cloud computing system because they can't keep their company's information under lock and key. The counterargument to this position is that the companies offering cloud computing services live and die by their reputations. It benefits these companies to have reliable security measures in place. Otherwise, the service would lose all its clients. It's in their interest to employ the most advanced techniques to protect their clients' data. Privacy is another matter. If a client can log in from any location to access data and applications, it's possible the client's privacy could be compromised. Cloud computing companies will need to find ways to protect client privacy. One way is to use authentication techniques such as user names and passwords. Another is to employ an authorization format -- each user can access only the data and applications relevant to his or her job.

When talking about a cloud computing system, it's helpful to divide it into two sections: the front end and the back end. They connect to each other through a network, usually the Internet. The front end is the side the computer user, or client, sees. The back end is the "cloud" section of the system. The front end includes the client's computer (or computer network) and the application required to access the cloud computing system. Not all cloud computing systems have the same user interface. Services like Web-based e-mail programs leverage existing Web browsers like Internet Explorer or Firefox. Other systems have unique applications that provide network access to clients. On the back end of the system are the various computers, servers and data storage systems that create the "cloud" of computing services. In theory, a cloud computing system could include practically any computer program you can imagine, from data processing to video games. Usually, each application will have its own dedicated server.